20.05 Looney Tunes
Hold the Lion, Please (1942)
Hollywood Daffy (1946)
Tuesday: Jack-Wabbit and the Beanstalk (1943)
Kitty Kornered (1946)
Life with Feathers (1945)
Wednesday: My Favorite Duck (1942)
Naughty But Mice (1947)
Quentin Quail (1946)
Thursday: Buccaneer Bunny (1947)
The Shell Shocked Egg (1948)
Slick Hare (1947)
Friday: A Tale of Two Mice (1945)
Duck Soup to Nuts (1944)
Tortoise Beats Hare (1941)
20.30 The Flintstones
Monday: The Astra Nuts (1961)
Fred and Barney go to a recruitment center by mistake and find themselves signed up for three years of military service.
Tuesday: In The Dough (1961)
Wilma's "Flint-Rubble-Double-Bubble Cake" wins a baking contest, but
when her sudden illness keeps her from competing at the next level, Fred
decides to disguise himself and take his wife's place.
Wednesday: Fred's New Boss (1962)
When Barney loses his job, he prevails upon Fred to try to get him hired
on at the gravel pit. The introduction of Fred's neighbor to his boss
results in the startling discovery that Barney and Mr. Slate are
Thursday: Bowling Ballet (1962)
Fred has a problem with bowling and takes ballet lessons to regain his skills for a big tournament.
Friday: The Twitch (1962)
Fred gets pop star "Rock Roll" to perform at
Wilma's women's club function. When Rock suffers laryngitis pursuant to
an allergic reaction and cannot perform, Fred comes to the rescue by
donning Rock's costume and lip-syncing to his hit record.
21.00 The Jetsons
Monday: The Mirrormorph (1985)
21.00 The Jetsons
Monday: The Mirrormorph (1985)
Judy Jetson orders clay for her art project. But she instead gets the
wrong order of clay which turns out to be an silent alien that shape
shifts into a duplicate of the same person who touches it.

Tuesday: The Cosmic Courtship of George and Jane (1985)
George must woo Jane again after she learns that their marriage isn't legal.
Wednesday: High Moon (1985)
Elroy is obsessed with watching a TV spy show until he visits a Western town.
Thursday: Future Tense (1985)
Jane's new designer glasses let her see into the future.
Friday: Hi-Tech Wreck (1985)
When R.U.D.I. malfunctions one time too many, Spacely orders George to
relocate his family to "Outer Moongolia"—but is forced to eat crow when
R.U.D.I. threatens to destroy his factory.
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